7 Tips for Using Firewood at Home

Published on 28 February 2023

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There is nothing quite like sitting round an open fireplace in your own home. The ambience it gives is unmatched and it can be the finishing touch to many rooms. However, there are a few tricks so that you continue to enjoy your fireplace and to make sure it remains in great condition. 


Choose the Right Wood

You need to be clever about the type of wood you use. Ideally, you would use seasoned logs that have been dried out and don’t have much moisture in them, so burn for longer. Unseasoned wood makes it harder to build your fire with initially and then produces more smoke which is unpleasant in your home. 

Don’t Leave your Fire Unattended

As well as being a lovely, cosy place to spend time, fires can also be very dangerous if left unattended. They can grow out of control and start to produce too much smoke and be hard to put out. Always make sure you keep an eye on your fire and don’t leave it unattended.

Store your Firewood Correctly

Firewood must be stored in a dry, secure place so that mould doesn’t begin to grow. You should also keep it safe from any nosy animals who want to use your stack of logs as a hiding place. You ideally want a proper log shed with sturdy sides and a roof to protect the wood from the elements. 

Use Good Quality Wood

The quality of the fire is determined by the quality of the wood. Hardwoods are better than softwood for burning for long periods of time so bear this in mind when choosing which logs to buy.  

Give your Fire Plenty of Oxygen

When first getting the fire going, a lot of people make the mistake of depriving the flames of oxygen. You must make sure that, at first, you give the fire enough air to get going before you close the air vents slightly. This keeps a consistent flame and starts your fire off right. 

Build the Fire Correctly

How well your fire performs depends on how well you have built it in the first place. You need to allow for a good flow of oxygen and make sure you’re using enough logs. Use firelighters is necessary, or scrunch up paper to begin. Then, lie thin sticks on top – eventually working up to a full log. This ensures your fire builds up naturally and doesn’t go out before getting going.  

Watch Young Children and Animals

Pets and children should be supervised at all times if you light a fire in your home. Don’t let curious children get too close to the fireplace – it might be a good idea to install a fire gate until your children are old enough to understand the risk. This may also be helpful for pets who may get too close while trying to get warm. 

High Quality Seasoned Firewood with The Log Dog

For the first step in getting your perfect fire to keep you warm all evening, get your high quality, seasoned logs from Log Dog. We provide sustainable seasoned wood – perfect for all kinds of open log fires – at affordable prices. To find out more, feel free to contact us today.  

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